Friday, October 25, 2013

Week 9

The reflection questions from this week include: If you have a student who is having trouble paying attention in his regular education class, what are some strategies you can use to help the student attend? Positive Behavior Supports or PBS is a program some districts or schools implement. Complete mini-research regarding this program. Do you think this is a beneficial program? Why or why not?

If I had a student that is having trouble with paying attention in the regular education class, I would help the general education teacher plan for some breaks where the student or students can get up and move or change to a different subject area. One strategy that I saw this year in my practicum setting is a "Dance Break" where the teacher would play some music that the students can dance to for a couple of minutes. It was optional but the students loved the chance to show off those dance skills! I think anything to keep the student engaged and motivated helps with paying attention.

In regards to the PBS program, I think that it is a great way to implement certain behavioral expectations from the students. The program is also implemented throughout all the ages (primary through secondary) which helps continue to build moral and high standards as the students grow within a school district. It helps to develop responsibility and pride in the students when they are noticed for conducting positive behavior that is targeted!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Week 8

The reflection questions from this week include What are some ways you can teach the vocabulary presented within science and social studies? How can you prepare to teach both of these subject areas?

Vocabulary is a key part of understanding concepts that are taught in science and social studies, some strategies that I would use to teach the vocabulary would be to use graphic organizers. Have a word wall or some sort of visual that the students can see the word continuously for the duration of the unit, activities where they have to manipulate the word and its definition (i.e. match the word to its definition or group the words in distinct categories). Using visuals online help as well to give the student a good visual and framework which helps the student relate it to something that they have seen before. For science vocabulary, I would try to give the students as much as real or hands-on experiences as I can. Through experiments, materials, and pictures.

When preparing to teach these subject areas, I would refer to many of the online resources available to educators as well as making sure that I thoroughly understand the concepts myself. If I need assistance or clarification to make sure that I am teaching the concept the same way that the general education teacher is, I would make time to talk to the general ed teacher and ensure we are on the same page.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Week 7

Let me preface this post with comments about last class. I was wrong about my answer to that math problem and I admit it :) so I will accept any good natured ribbing you all throw me!

The reflection questions for this week include: The authors noted the lag in development of mathematics concepts is due to delays in language development, lack of exposure to life-based problem-solving, and inadequate pre-service teacher preparation in the area of mathematics. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. Do you feel prepared to teach math skills and what do you feel you need to teach?

In terms of language development, I agree that there is a lag in the development of the mathematical concepts because teachers typically don't spend the time introducing and explanation the language that used in math. I foresee the word "mean" being an issue for some students, a major reason being that there is a double meaning for the word and its concept is closely related to that of average and median, etc. I think that math as a subject tends to scare people in general, therefore some teachers may not be confident in their skills and abilities to explain mathematical concepts to students which may contribute to inadequate pre-service teacher preparation.

After teaching a couple of math lessons, I definitely feel comfortable with teaching concepts however, its a new area for me and I will always need to prepare and make sure that I truly understand the question and its process before instructing my students. I feel that I need more than one method of teaching the concept to students, especially our students who are deaf or hard of hearing. I would want to adapt to their learning style. Math is a scary subject for a lot of people, if I can find a way to make it fun and enjoyable, that's my goal!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 6

The reflection questions from this week include: What strategies/topics stuck in your mind from tonight's class? What information do you feel will help you in planning your instruction?

From this week's class, the topic of writing really stuck in my head. The concept of building skills to get the students to write their own responses to short answer questions. First you start with building their skills in writing letters, then have them copy sentences and words. The easiest way to get a student thinking about a response to a short answer question is to have them tell you about their answer and then have them copy down your writing, then build to having them write their own responses.
Another strategy is the Rainbow Edit, which I have actually seen in my practicum setting this semester. It is a creative idea to get the students really thinking about the writing process and the different elements of their writing.

In planning my instruction, I feel that having data about the student's learning styles and how they perceive information given to them. Differentiated instruction is the key to maintaining success in our student's education. I would also want to know how to vary instruction or use of strategy among different communication modalities.